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Talks and Events at Fellowship of Spirit

For Those events on zoom Call or email us for the web address


For Those events on Zoom, Call 1-505-326-5103 or email us for the web address

Book Study Group: Meet via Zoom 8:45 to 9:45 a.m.

Worship Service: 10:00-11:30am. Every Sunday, we teach how to embody love, live truth and manifest a life of beauty and joy. We teach a life of freedom! Come visit us and learn how you, too, can live the well-lived life!

1st Sunday Pot Luck after service. Bring a friend and a dish to share.


Current Classes:

Kundalini Yoga:  Monday 5:30 - 7:00 pm ($10 Investment)

Call Elizabeth Lay to register - Space is limited. 505-330-3852

Adult Study:  A Course in Miracles -  Wednesday 6:00 - 8:30 pm via Zoom On hold until Jan 2024

If you would like to participate in a discussion group with other like-minded people, learning about God's will of Love, Joy, Peace, please join us.

Power of Eight Healing Group - Thursday 6:30 - 8:00 pm via Zoom

Small group dynamic, focusing energetic intentions for all personal needs.

Family Empowerment Project - Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 pm In the church

Prayer Support

Prayer is our most potent tool to contact God. Prayer is a cornerstone discipline for our community. Our approach is fundamentally different than traditional prayer. Rather than hoping to catch the attention of God on a throne in the sky to persuade Him to change His thinking about us, we believe the only purpose of prayer is to change our own thinking-about the nature of God, and our own nature.

Remember, we can always pray!  Long prayers, short prayers, out loud, alone, or with someone else. If we believe that prayer is always good and something to do now and always, God, the Divine Mind, listens to our intentions within our heart always.

Prayer Works! We offer intensive Prayer Support for any situation or challenge. 


Mental Support

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, and Keep It Changed

The practice and discipline of Spiritual Mind Treatment, also called affirmative prayer, is designed to keep us in alignment with whatever we wish to experience.

Prayer is unique to mankind and has been practiced from time beyond memory. We encourage you no matter who you are, what you believe or how you pray, to pray always... for health and well-being of the planet, for peace and harmony in your time and for an expansion of love in the hearts of all! For we are all in this together!

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